I've prepared the tutorial in an html version so you can download it to your computer and work on it at your leisure. The only difference is, that you no longer have to view this tutorial on another site. My experiences with tutorial writing show that the more information you can provide, the better! Once you run through this once or twice, you'll be a pro. The way I've written it makes it look like there's a lot of steps involved or that's it's very difficult. If you want to do this same thing in GIMP, but you would like to do it utilizing the GAP plugin, see my tutorial here: At any rate, this is done entirely in standard GIMP without the use of the GAP (GIMP Animation Plugin). *Click on the image to see the animation* You'll just need to create your selection in another way (like with paths or quick masking). However, this can be applied to anything. The requester really wanted one for highlighting the edge of an axe blade, but since text highlights appear to be a little more popular, I wrote one for text instead. I was asked to do an animation highlight for GIMP without using GAP. What's with DA not allowing you to edit a deviation and add a downloadable file that was previously non-existant? Am I missing something? This is just a resubmittal of a tutorial that I recently posted.